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   Moyo Eco Resort Beach Club Bungalows

Moyo Island

Moyo island is located north of Sumbawa. With an area of ​​32044.86 ha island has a population of 1,944 inhabitants. The island was used as a Marine Nature Park with an area of ​​6,000 hectares since issued ministerial decree Forestry and Agriculture on year 1986. On the island of Moyo are 7 hamlets inhabited, namely :
Desa Labuan Aji, Dusun Brang Rea, Desa Sebotok, Dusun Sebaru, Dusun Brang Kua, Dusun Stema, Dusun Patedong.
Moyo island still has around 22,000 hectares of hunting park, that is very interesting to visit because there is a wide variety of flora and fauna, especially birds Cacatua sulphurea and birds bertong.

Activities on the island
- Spotting wildlife: Moyo island has beautiful jungles and there are different kind of animals, like monkeys, deers, wild cows, boars, snakes and lot of kind of birds and butterfly.
- Waterfalls & Swimming: There are 4 main rivers with great water resources. There are 3 waterfalls near Labuhan Aji village, which locals call “mata jitu”, “diwu mba’I” and “sori bada”and Sangalo near Sebaru. Those waterfalls are surely one of the most beautiful ones you have ever seen. The water is crystal clear!
- Sea life: In front of the village there are 3 main reefs for diving and snorkeling, like panjang reef, angle reef, tanjung pasir and takat sagele reef. There is a big variety of fish and colorful reefs
- Spear Fishing & BBQ: In the night time you can do night snorkeling or join the local boys going for spear fishing with a spear gun as well. After catching lots of fish they will have a BBQ on the beach.
- Fishing & Snorkeling: You can also go fishing with the local fisherman from the village, or snorkeling while spearing the fish with spear gun during the day.

How to get here ?
Going to Moyo Beach Bungalows is easy - first you should go to Sumbawa Besar and then you can ask the local people for the way to Kali Baru or Muara Kali Kecamatan, Labuhan Badas where you can find the boats going to Moyo island. From Sumbawa to Moyo Beach Bungalows it takes around 2 to 3 hours by local boat for Rp.30.000 / pax and Rp.40.000 for bike. The boats are going there and away every day and you can also charter a speed boat from Sumbawa if you don’t find any boat (it takes around 1 hour). Both for a very reasonable price.

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